With Al technology, Lunit is striving to provide healthcare to a wider range of people, and furthermore, through early detection of tumor, to lead all mankind to a healthy life. To achieve aforementioned values, Lunit's Al technology continuously gathers data to provide more precise information, while producing more information than just a mere accumulation.
This website renewal focuses on enabling attributes such as the accumulation, connection, expansion, and accuracy of Lunit's value and technology to reach the users more intuitively. To express those efficiently, the website is primarily designed in grid style and graphic form and is also designed based on continuous scalability. For instance, accumulated X-rays and cancer tissue slides data in Al technology are figuratively represented through card-type grid systems. Furthermore, inter-linked information pages or relevant information being continuously provided are further strengthened through "content connection structure". Subsequently, those strategy make it clearer and more natural for users to learn demanding information that is constantly added.